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For sleep disorders

Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques for Insomnia (CBT-I)

A set of cognitive and behavioral techniques and strategies designed for the treatment of long-term insomnia. Evidence-Based Medicine studies show that they are the most effective techniques in many types of insomnia and should be the first therapeutic option.

Specialist applying cognitive-behavioral techniques for Insomnia (CBT-I).


In some clinical situations, pharmacological treatment (sleep inducers, antidepressants, anxiolytics…) can be of great help in short periods of time. Occasionally, pharmacological treatment is necessary. In any case, the decision of whether or not to use drugs, the type and doses will always be prescribed by the physician on a case-by-case basis.

doctor teaching medicine to help with sleep problems related to insomnia, apnea and snoring

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)

Treatment of choice for severe OSAHS, although it can also be used in mild cases and roncopathy. It is a compressor that by means of continuous positive air pressure keeps the airway open, eliminating apneas/hypopneas and snoring. The patient sleeps with a nasal mask on throughout the night.

cpap treatment for apnea and snoring that keeps the airways open

DAM (Mandibular Advancement Device)

It is a good treatment option in mild SAHS and snoring without apneas. The device consists of 2 intraoral splints that the patient uses only for sleeping, eliminating apneas/hypopneas and snoring by means of mandibular advancement.

dam treatment for mild snoring and apnea

Psychological and pedagogical support

Most of the causes of poor sleep are due to events that occur during the day. In our day-to-day life we accumulate work-related, emotional and social stressors, including health. If we do not resolve these daytime stresses, good rest will be impossible. These situations are not solved with drugs. Therefore, with the help of our professionals in Psychology and Pedagogy, and usually in a single session, behavioral guidance tools are given to channel the solution of these daytime stressors.
a woman offers her hand in a sign of psychological support


A set of chronobiological techniques and strategies indicated for sleep disorders caused by circadian rhythm disturbances.

watch with two-color background illustrating circadian rhythms and sleep-related pathologies


The treatment with phytotherapy aims to solve some disorders that cause insomnia by means of medicinal plants, always following the criteria derived from the studies of Medicine Based on Evidence (Medicine Based on Evidence).

passionflower along with other plants help to fall asleep


Treatment by means of controlled light exposure (Phototherapy/Light Therapy) based on the knowledge of Chronobiology, especially effective in sleep disorders secondary to circadian rhythm alterations.

woman with light glasses as a phototherapy and chronobiology treatment for sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances