Some of the books by Dr. Eduard Estivill

Tokei Method
Dr. Eduard Estivill and Dra. Carla Estivill
Editorial Plaza&Janés
Languages: Spanish, Catalan, Italian and Arabic.

Common sense pediatrics
Dr. Eduard Estivill and Dr. Gonzalo Pin
Editorial Plaza&Janés
Languages: Catalan, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese

New expanded edition of
“Go to sleep, child.”
Dr. Eduard Estivill
Editorial Debolsillo
Languages: Spanish, Catalan, Italian, French, Portuguese, Brazilian, Brazilian, Icelandic, Croatian, Slovak, English, Dutch, German, Japanese, Danish, Hangars, Polish, Greek, Chinese and Russian.

Don’t let them keep you awake
Dr. Eduard Estivill
Editorial Planeta
Languages: Catalan, Spanish, Italian and Greek

Let’s eat!
Dr. Eduard Estivill and Montse Domènech
Editorial Debolsillo
Languages: Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, English, Brazilian, Brazilian and Italian

Let’s play!
Dr. Eduard Estivill and Yolanda Sáenz de Tejada
Editorial Debolsillo
Languages: Catalan, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian and Catalan

Restful children, happy children
Dr. Eduard Estivill
Publisher Penguin Random House
Languages: Catalan, Spanish

I’m not sleeping! 100 tips for teenagers to get a good night’s sleep
Dr. Javier Albares and Dr. Francisco Segarra
Editorial Lectio

Recipes for a good night’s sleep
Dr. Eduard Estivill and Dra. Mirta Averbuch
Editorial Plaza & Janés

Bedtime stories
Dr. Eduard Estivill and Montse Domènech
Editorial Planeta
Languages: Catalan, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Basque and Catalan.

New bedtime stories
Dr. Eduard Estivill and Montse Domènech
Editorial Planeta
Languages: Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese

Stories to grow up
Dr. Eduard Estivill and Montse Domènech
Editorial Planeta
Languages: Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese

Dr. Eduard Estivill
Languages: Spanish, Catalan.

Dr. Eduard Estivill
Editorial Debolsillo
Languages: Spanish, Catalan.


Home Alone
Dr. Eduard Estivill and Montse Domènech
Editorial Plaza & Janés
Languages: Spanish

Living well without insomnia
Francisco Segarra
Editorial Paidós

The path of the dream
E. Estivill and Y. Saénz de Tejada
Editorial Ara Llibres

Educate me well
Montse Domènech
Editorial Plaza & Janés
Languages: Spanish

The vaccine against fear
Montse Domènech
Editorial Paidós