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Some of the books by Dr. Eduard Estivill

book cover The Tokei Method

Tokei Method

Dr. Eduard Estivill and Dra. Carla Estivill

Editorial Plaza&Janés

Languages: Spanish, Catalan, Italian and Arabic.

Book pediatrics with common sense by Dr. Eduard Estivill

Common sense pediatrics

Dr. Eduard Estivill and Dr. Gonzalo Pin

Editorial Plaza&Janés

Languages: Catalan, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese

Book pediatrics with common sense by Dr. Eduard Estivill

New expanded edition of
“Go to sleep, child.”

Dr. Eduard Estivill

Editorial Debolsillo

Languages: Spanish, Catalan, Italian, French, Portuguese, Brazilian, Brazilian, Icelandic, Croatian, Slovak, English, Dutch, German, Japanese, Danish, Hangars, Polish, Greek, Chinese and Russian.

Book pediatrics with common sense by Dr. Eduard Estivill

Don’t let them keep you awake

Dr. Eduard Estivill

Editorial Planeta

Languages: Catalan, Spanish, Italian and Greek

Cover of the book ¡A comer!

Let’s eat!

Dr. Eduard Estivill and Montse Domènech

Editorial Debolsillo

Languages: Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, English, Brazilian, Brazilian and Italian

Cover of the book ¡A jugar!

Let’s play!

Dr. Eduard Estivill and Yolanda Sáenz de Tejada

Editorial Debolsillo

Languages: Catalan, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian and Catalan

Cover page Restful children, happy children

Restful children, happy children

Dr. Eduard Estivill

Publisher Penguin Random House

Languages: Catalan, Spanish

Cover of the book: I'm going to sleep! 100 tips for teenagers to get a good night's sleep

I’m not sleeping! 100 tips for teenagers to get a good night’s sleep

Dr. Javier Albares and Dr. Francisco Segarra

Editorial Lectio

Cover of the book Recetas para dormir bien

Recipes for a good night’s sleep

Dr. Eduard Estivill and Dra. Mirta Averbuch

Editorial Plaza & Janés

Cover of the book: Bedtime Stories

Bedtime stories

Dr. Eduard Estivill and Montse Domènech

Editorial Planeta

Languages: Catalan, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Basque and Catalan.

Book cover: New Bedtime Stories

New bedtime stories

Dr. Eduard Estivill and Montse Domènech

Editorial Planeta

Languages: Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese

Book cover: Cuentos para crecer

Stories to grow up

Dr. Eduard Estivill and Montse Domènech

Editorial Planeta

Languages: Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese

Cover of the book: Dormir bien para Dummies (Sleep well for Dummies)
Sleep well for Dummies

Dr. Eduard Estivill

Languages: Spanish, Catalan.

Book cover: Sleep well to live longer
Sleep well to live longer

Dr. Eduard Estivill

Editorial Debolsillo

Languages: Spanish, Catalan.

Cover of the book: Bedtime Stories
Go to sleep, APP child



Book cover: Home Alone

Home Alone

Dr. Eduard Estivill and Montse Domènech

Editorial Plaza & Janés

Languages: Spanish

Book cover: Living well without insomnia

Living well without insomnia

Francisco Segarra

Editorial Paidós

Book cover: El camino del sueño

The path of the dream

E. Estivill and Y. Saénz de Tejada

Editorial Ara Llibres

Book cover: Educate me well

Educate me well

Montse Domènech

Editorial Plaza & Janés

Languages: Spanish

Book cover: The vaccine against fear

The vaccine against fear

Montse Domènech

Editorial Paidós