Sleep Apnea Treatment MAD (Mandibular Advancement Device)
Treatments for snoring

It is a good treatment option in cases of snoring and apneas caused by retro-micrognathic disease.
It is very common, especially in thin and not overweight people, that a mandibular dysfunction (small lower jaw, pushed back, or anomalies in the “bite”) causes a relaxation of this jaw when they are sleeping, especially on their back (up). there is the popular expression that snorers hear -girate-)
The device consists of 2 intraoral splints that the patient uses only to sleep, eliminating apneas/hypopneas and snoring through mandibular advancement.
After confirming the presence of snoring with or without apnea through the sleep study, the sleep specialist will refer the patient to an orthodontist, who will determine the exact splint appropriate to the patient’s characteristics.
It is very important that they are the ones who make this splint (prosthesis), since similar products are currently offered on the Internet that have no credibility and can even aggravate the problem of snoring and apneas.
There are also currently products called BUMPER BELT, (see online). They are special belts that do not allow the patient to sleep on their back. They can be effective, but at the same time, very uncomfortable)