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Childhood insomnia due to incorrect habits
Sleep disorders in children


Childhood insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects between 20%-30% of the preschool population (similar data in different studies, even across different cultures), and is characterized by difficulty falling asleep independently and/or frequent nighttime awakenings with an inability to fall back asleep without external help (Sleep Onset Association Disorder).

It also occurs in the form of the child’s resistance to going to bed at night at the stipulated time (Limit Setting Disorder) or a combination of both.


The symptoms of childhood insomnia may include difficulty falling asleep, frequent nighttime awakenings, waking up early in the morning, resistance to going to bed, restless or agitated sleep, non-restorative sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, irritability, changes in behavior and mood, difficulties in school performance, attention and concentration problems, and fatigue during the day. It is important to note that these symptoms can vary from one child to another and may have different underlying causes


The cause of childhood insomnia can be multifactorial, and it is important to analyze the predisposing, precipitating, and perpetuating factors through a functional analysis to reach an accurate diagnosis. It can have various causes, including emotional, environmental, and medical factors, and may require a multidisciplinary approach for diagnosis and treatment. Childhood insomnia can have a significant impact on the child, including daytime effects on mood, cognition, behavior, and health, as well as family dysfunction. It can also affect the quality of life and mood of parents. The etiology of pediatric insomnia can be due to medical causes (food intolerances, gastroesophageal reflux, pain…), sleep disorders (pediatric restless legs syndrome, apneas…) or psychological causes (anxiety disorders, fears…).

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of childhood insomnia requires a comprehensive evaluation, including a detailed review of the child’s medical and sleep history, as well as a psychological and behavioral assessment.

It is important to analyze the factors contributing to insomnia, including predisposing, precipitating, and perpetuating factors, and to conduct a functional analysis of the situation to reach an accurate diagnosis.

Additionally, other medical and psychiatric conditions that may be affecting the child’s sleep should be ruled out. Diagnosis may require the participation of an interdisciplinary team that includes a pediatrician, a sleep specialist, a psychologist, and an occupational therapist.

During a one-hour visit, the cause of the problem is explained to the parents and the behaviors to be followed in order to solve this situation are provided. If parents execute these prescribed rules well, in less than a week the problem will be solved. No existen consecuencias negativas en los niños.
No se precisan pruebas de sueño.

We recommend not to follow the opinions expressed in social networks. Always consult your pediatrician.


These guidelines are those recommended by the American Academy of Sleep and the American Pediatric Society.

The treatment of childhood insomnia depends on its cause, and to address childhood insomnia due to incorrect habits, behavioral interventions based on the principles of behavioral psychology are used. Treatments may vary depending on the age of the children, but in general, behavioral guidelines are taught to parents to apply to younger children, while in older children, the child’s direct collaboration is required and positive reinforcement and distraction techniques.

It is essential to make an adequate diagnosis before starting any therapeutic strategy.