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Tests, scales and questionnaires
Diagnostic tests for the treatment of sleep disorders

In some sleep disorders, especially insomnia and some forms of daytime sleepiness, it is necessary to explore psychological, mood and/or neurocognitive aspects in order to make a correct diagnosis and treatment.

Our team of psychologists uses various scales, tests and validated questionnaires to assess for example daytime sleepiness (Epworth), anxiety and/or depression states (HAD, Beck, MMPI, etc.) or cognitive impairment (MOCA).

bedroom for diagnostic sleep testing and polysomnography results

Diagnostic tests

Overnight sleep study (Polysomnography)

Multiple latency test (MSLT)

Suggested Immobilization Test (SIT) and Forced Immobilization Test (FIT)

Actimetry Studies (Chronobiological)

Test of maintenance of wakefulness (TMV)

Electroencephalogram (EEG) with sleep deprivation

Tests, scales and questionnaires