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The road to rest
Learn to sleep and transform your life

Did you know that poor sleep affects your energy, health and emotional well-being?

Dr. Estivill, with more than 40 years of experience helping thousands of people, has created an innovative program to transform your sleep in just 20 days.

Dr. Eduard Estivill, an international leader in sleep studies, presents a unique program that will help you recover restful nights in just 20 days.

With over 40 years of experience and the backing of thousands of cases, this method guides you step by step to improve your habits, reduce stress and regulate your biological clock.

Ready to change your life starting with your nights?

Discover how sleep dictates our lives and how this method can help you.

Learn more about the importance of sleep in this episode of The Formula for Success Podcast, where Dr. Estivill explains why learning to sleep well is essential to living a healthy and fulfilling life.

What does the program include?

The “Road to Rest” Method combines the best scientific techniques to help you sleep better in just 20 days.

Program content:

– Daily videos: Learn how to adjust your light cycles, diet, and relaxation techniques.

– Exclusive audios: Relax your mind and body before sleeping.

– Practical guide: Summarizes each step to reinforce your learning.

– Progress tests: Evaluate your progress day by day.

Program Benefits

Physicists: Renewed energy, better weight control and reduced risk of disease.

Emotional: Stress reduction, well-being and improved relationships.

Professionals: More productivity and focus.